Why are we so easily distracted these days? Some of it is our phones having access to everything right at our fingertips, some of it is lack of focus, some of it is so many things requiring our attention.
Even as I am writing this article there are distractions trying to pull my attention away. So, how do we deal with all of the distractions we face? Is there an underlying reason we allow the distractions to pull us away?
One reason could be that we do not feel like what we are doing is important, or at least as not as important as the distracting things pulling us away. The question to ask yourself in the moment is what is important, not just in the moment but to you overall. What do you value? What are your priorities?
Another reason we get distracted is because we have cluttered minds and lives that has so many important things going on at once it is hard to figure out what is important and what can wait. This takes time to figure out and many times we don't have the time to figure it out. Instead we are at the mercy of our cramped schedules trying to make decisions on the fly. The way to deal with this chaos is to figure out the things that line up with what you value most and allow yourself to eliminate things that do not hold up to your values.
Another way to eliminate distractions is when you are doing something important turn off your phone, squirrel yourself away into a space by yourself so you can regain your focus.
Distraction can also come as a result of not taking care of yourself. Eating healthy, drinking enough water and getting proper sleep will help you to maintain focus. I also use essential oils to help me focus as well.
So the next time you are distracted, do some digging and figure out why you are distracted then make a plan of action to do something about it. It could be something as easy as not picking up your phone in the morning until after your morning routine is done.