There are times in life when we strive so much it causes undue stress and anxiety. If we spent more time just being, we would find ourselves more productive and efficient in what we tackle. It is time to stop striving and just be.
We are so used to the demands of everyday life, we forget to slow down and enjoy each moment. We get overwhelmed by all that needs to be accomplished and we strive to get it all done. The list of tasks never gets shorter and we find ourselves on the hamster wheel unable to get off.
Our fast paced lives had made it very difficult to slow down. When we do slow down it is usually littered with interruptions and distractions. We need to take time for ourselves. We need to slow down and embrace our life. It is in the absence of this slowing down that we lose sight of why we are doing everything in the first place.
We do this in our relationship with God too. We fill our schedules with ministry tasks, but we need the time to rest, recalibrate and regroup. We need time to connect with Him. We need to rest and we need to slow. There are reasons that Jesus drew away to rest and pray. He is our example of balance. He ministered to the multitudes but always took time to take in the moment, to connect with the Father and rest.
We do not need to strive to earn God's love, it is given freely. God would rather us be healthy than to burn out. He tells us to live life to the fullest, how can we do that when we are burdened by the weight of striving?
We need to let go of the unrealistic expectations we have for ourselves and others have placed on us. When planning what to do for the week, ensure there is time to play, rest and connect. It will change your life. Instead of just surviving, you will find yourself thriving.
Join us for this webinar on April 4, 2024 @ 7pm. Register by clicking the button below.