Do you question weather you are lovable? Do you believe that others can't love you because of your past or even things you are doing currently? Do you find it hard showing those in your life that you truly care about them? For many of you that we have spoken to LOVE is a difficult word. It has been misused and abused for so many years and now just leaves a bad taste in your mouth. This concept is not new and it has been talked about for generations. We want to focus on this concept for the month of February to help rewrite the scripts that have distorted our view of this concept.
Things have changed, this fast paced world tends to give the message that in order for us to be worthy of love we need to measure up to a life that is unattainable. We often think that our value is measured by what we do and not who we are. Can you relate to this? If you fail or mess up you question weather others are going to still love you or see value in you.
Your value is not measured by what you do or how productive you can be. You are valuable for just being YOU! This month my hope is that you would get a renewed sense about what love truly is and let go of every misconception or stumbling block that keeps you from truly loving yourself and others. I challenge you to join me on this mission to re-evaluate your life from the true perspective of LOVE! You are worthy and I hope to prove that to you this month.
Stay tuned for our monthly Webinar coming up on February 10th, 2022 from 7-9pm. My guest Speaker is Connie Blackwood who has struggled with feeling loved for a large portion of her life. Joins us as we hear all that she has on her heart to share about this subject. Remember to register so that you can get access to the Private Zoom Meeting details.
Daily reflections, challenges, activation's and inspirations for the month of February can be found at