Laura Burgoyne
Laura is a wife, mother of 5 boys and one step daughter, entrepreneur, author, artist and farmer from Southern Alberta, Canada. Laura loves people and desires that everyone know their value and worth that comes from God alone. Laura has been mentoring youth and young adults for the past 20 years. Laura is a very empathetic and supportive woman who loves to give all that she has into the lives she touches.
Laura's Story
Laura Burgoyne has been dedicated to journey with others to develop resiliency and live their lives with purpose, loving who they are and finding freedom to express that in healthy ways. Laura’s early life was plagued with mental health issues that were debilitating and caused many issues in her life including anxiety, self-loathing, depression, feeling hopeless and being suicidal.
Laura believes that our mental health is directly impacted by our emotional, physical and spiritual health and that they are all connected. She believes the key to finding and obliterating these issues from your life is finding the roots to the issues. When did they begin in your life, what was the origin? Laura’s experience with Mental health and her success in helping others has stemmed from her ability to identify the roots, dealing with the root and healing from the trauma associated with it. Once you can do that then you will find lasting freedom.
Laura believes that the conventional way of dealing with these mental health issues with medication is more harmful than helpful. It causes you to numb yourself to your pain and feelings instead of dealing with them. It masks the problem, and only deals with the external symptoms. It does not deal with the true problem and how you got to this state in the first place. Laura does work with those who are currently medicated and does not encourage those taking medication to get off them quickly. Your body will develop a dependence on them and if you desire to get off them you will need to do it very gradually and under the supervision of a doctor.
All of Laura’s work is based on her experience, research and training in faith based trauma healing. Laura is a believer in God and brings that into all of her sessions with clients. It is her belief that we were created by God, he knows you inside and out. Who better to help you understand yourself and where your trauma and life experiences have left lasting damage.
Sessions with Laura include prayer, personal meditation, Freedom sessions, Trauma counseling, deliverance, mentoring.
If you find yourself struggling with these kinds of mental health issues and desire to find lasting freedom, consider contacting us and we can get you connected to a one on one mentor or you can also join our group mentoring sessions.
Laura looks forward to Journeying with you to help you live your life to the fullest.
Current Availability for 1-on-1 Mentoring sessions (1 Hour long)
Monday 1pm-4pm or 6pm-8pm
Wednesday 1pm-4pm
Thursday 10am-1pm or 6pm-8pm
Friday 10am-4pm
To check out the books Laura has written you can go to her
author website at lauraburgoyne.com

I'm always looking for others I can help find hope and healing in their lives. Let's connect.